Good-bye "your software is too hard to install"
Script automations with fast compile-time safety that catches many
errors before they reach users.
A single dk
command to remember.
Visual Studio Code for
power users to customize your solution.
Automation for your team
Those are the scripts managing our subscriptions ... developed on Windows and macOS, and deployed to Linux containers. We love eating our own dog food 🐶🍖!
Something fun for yourself
Here is the game of Snóke developed by San Vũ Ngọc. We didn't write this game, nor did we write its GUI library. We just made it easy to install and hack.

Multi-language and cross-platform for your industry customers
Sonic Scout is software to gather intelligence on the competition during
robotics matches. It has an Android application and a QR-scanning laptop application.
Developers need to install Qt (a desktop GUI library), Android Studio,
Python, OCaml, Java, Gradle, MSYS2 and WSL2 on Windows, CMake, and have
them all configured so the applications can build. Our subscribers can do
this with these commands:
git -C C:\ clone
cd C:\scoutapps
# Build and launch Android Studio
./dk src/SonicScout_Setup/ android
# Build and launch the desktop application
./dk src/SonicScout_Setup/ scanner
# Package the desktop application
# as .msi or .dmg packages for Windows or macOS
./dk src/SonicScout_Setup/ --notarize
Your Next Steps
We at Diskuv (Jonah Beckford and sometimes interns) use an old but
powerful and safe programming language called OCaml. We don't expose any advanced language features; in fact, our training
ground has been high school students. But if you need compressed training
we are happy to support you.
Most of the dev kit is early but builds on our home-grown, community-tested,
Windows-friendly OCaml distribution called DkML.
Get Started →
Learn how our dev kit DkSDK works.
Learn More →
You can go a long way with our free tools. Discover what you get for free and as a subscriber.
DkSubscribeWebhook →
The clonable production webhook for Stripe that uses GitLab, AWS SES and 1Password.
SanetteBogue →
The clonable game of Snóke available under a GPL-3 license.
Sonic Scout →
Look at the code for robotics scouting. If you are a subscriber you can build and hack it as well.