DkSDK Subscriber Access Guide

1. Subscribe

If you haven't subscribed to DkSDK, you can schedule a call on the Diskuv Pricing: DkSDK page.

2. Private Git Repository

As a DkSDK subscriber, you will have been given a username and password to access a private Git repository. That username and password should not be used in your CMake, CI or any other code. Instead, you will likely already have, or can acquire, one of the following private Git servers:

Each private Git server provides its own instructions for getting access on your desktop and getting access in your continuous integration (CI) environments:

Once you have a private Git server, clone the following Git repositories to your own private Git server:

After that you will configure each machine that access DkSDK. Choose of the following methods for each machine.

Settings File (good for developer machines)

Find which directory corresponds to the <DKSDK_DATA_HOME> directory:

Machine + Shell


Windows + Command Prompt


Windows + PowerShell




Unix + Has $HOME


Create a <DKSDK_DATA_HOME>/repository.ini file with the following contents:

# The base section has versions for its keys and base URLs for its values.
# Versions
# --------
# The keys are underscored versions. So DkSDK 1.0 would have key 1_0.
# Example
# -------
# If you cloned to:
# then the base URL would be
# You can also use your programmatic token, as in:

[base] 1_0 =

Environment Variable (good for CI like GitHub Actions and GitLab CI)

In the example above for the Settings File, the base URL was set to for DkSDK 1.0. You could instead set the DKSDK_BASE_REPO_1_0 environment variable to

If you were given a programmatic token, you would also set the DKSDK_TOKEN_1_0 environment variable to the token.