type closure_entry =
| Free_variable of int
| Function of int
and debug_event_kind =
| Event_before
| Event_after of Types.type_expr
| Event_pseudo
and debug_event_info =
| Event_function
| Event_return of int
| Event_other
and debug_event_repr =
| Event_none
| Event_parent of int ref
| Event_child of int ref
type instruction =
| Klabel of label
| Kacc of int
| Kenvacc of int
| Kpush
| Kpop of int
| Kassign of int
| Kpush_retaddr of label
| Kapply of int
| Kappterm of int * int
| Kreturn of int
| Krestart
| Kgrab of int
| Kclosure of label * int
| Kclosurerec of label list * int
| Koffsetclosure of int
| Kgetglobal of Ident.t
| Ksetglobal of Ident.t
| Kconst of Lambda.structured_constant
| Kmakeblock of int * int
| Kmakefloatblock of int
| Kgetfield of int
| Ksetfield of int
| Kgetfloatfield of int
| Ksetfloatfield of int
| Kvectlength
| Kgetvectitem
| Ksetvectitem
| Kgetstringchar
| Kgetbyteschar
| Ksetbyteschar
| Kbranch of label
| Kbranchif of label
| Kbranchifnot of label
| Kstrictbranchif of label
| Kstrictbranchifnot of label
| Kswitch of label array * label array
| Kboolnot
| Kpushtrap of label
| Kpoptrap
| Kraise of Lambda.raise_kind
| Kcheck_signals
| Kccall of string * int
| Knegint
| Kaddint
| Ksubint
| Kmulint
| Kdivint
| Kmodint
| Kandint
| Korint
| Kxorint
| Klslint
| Klsrint
| Kasrint
| Kintcomp of Lambda.integer_comparison
| Koffsetint of int
| Koffsetref of int
| Kisint
| Kisout
| Kgetmethod
| Kgetpubmet of int
| Kgetdynmet
| Kevent of debug_event
| Kperform
| Kresume
| Kresumeterm of int
| Kreperformterm of int
| Kstop