module Name : sig ... end
Recording sections written to a bytecode executable file
val init_record : out_channel -> toc_writer
Start recording sections from the current position in out_channel
val record : toc_writer -> Name.t -> unit
Record the current position in the out_channel as the end of the section with the given name.
val write_toc_and_trailer : toc_writer -> unit
Write the table of contents and the standard trailer for bytecode executable files
Reading sections from a bytecode executable file
type section_entry = {
name : Name.t;
(*name of the section.
*)pos : int;
(*byte offset at which the section starts.
*)len : int;
(*length of the section.
val read_toc : in_channel -> section_table
Read the table of sections from a bytecode executable. Raise Bad_magic_number
if magic number doesn't match
val seek_section : section_table -> in_channel -> Name.t -> int
Position the input channel at the beginning of the section named "name", and return the length of that section. Raise Not_found if no such section exists.
val read_section_string : section_table -> in_channel -> Name.t -> string
Return the contents of a section, as a string.
val read_section_struct : section_table -> in_channel -> Name.t -> 'a
Return the contents of a section, as marshalled data.
val all : section_table -> section_entry list
Returns all section_entry
from a section_table
in increasing position order.
val pos_first_section : section_table -> int
Return the position of the beginning of the first section