Used to remember which Variable.t values correspond to which Ident.t values during closure conversion, and similarly for static exception identifiers.

type t
val empty : t
val add_var : t -> Ident.t -> Variable.t -> t
val add_vars : t -> Ident.t list -> Variable.t list -> t
val find_var : t -> Ident.t -> Variable.t
val find_var_exn : t -> Ident.t -> Variable.t
val add_mutable_var : t -> Ident.t -> Mutable_variable.t -> t
val find_mutable_var_exn : t -> Ident.t -> Mutable_variable.t
val add_static_exception : t -> int -> Static_exception.t -> t
val find_static_exception : t -> int -> Static_exception.t
val add_global : t -> int -> Symbol.t -> t
val find_global : t -> int -> Symbol.t