See the Flambda manual chapter for an explanation in prose of the inlining decision procedure.
val for_call_site :
env:Inline_and_simplify_aux.Env.t ->
r:Inline_and_simplify_aux.Result.t ->
function_decls:Simple_value_approx.function_declarations ->
lhs_of_application:Variable.t ->
closure_id_being_applied:Closure_id.t ->
function_decl:Simple_value_approx.function_declaration ->
value_set_of_closures:Simple_value_approx.value_set_of_closures ->
args:Variable.t list ->
args_approxs:Simple_value_approx.t list ->
dbg:Debuginfo.t ->
simplify:Inlining_decision_intf.simplify ->
inline_requested:Lambda.inline_attribute ->
specialise_requested:Lambda.specialise_attribute ->
Flambda.t * Inline_and_simplify_aux.Result.t
Try to inline a full application of a known function, guided by various heuristics.
val should_inline_inside_declaration : Flambda.function_declaration -> bool
When a function declaration is encountered by for_call_site
, the body may be subject to inlining immediately, thus changing the declaration. This function must return true
for that to be able to happen.