type t = {
mutable raw_name : Raw_name.t;
stamp : int;
typ : Cmm.machtype_component;
mutable loc : location;
mutable spill : bool;
mutable part : int option;
mutable interf : t list;
mutable prefer : (t * int) list;
mutable degree : int;
mutable spill_cost : int;
mutable visited : int;
and stack_location =
| Local of int
| Incoming of int
| Outgoing of int
| Domainstate of int
val createv_like : t array -> t array
val anonymous : t -> bool
val disjoint_set_array : Set.t -> t array -> bool
val set_of_array : t array -> Set.t
val all_registers : unit -> t list
val num_registers : unit -> int
val reinit : unit -> unit
val mark_visited : t -> unit
val is_visited : t -> bool
val clear_visited_marks : unit -> unit