
module O : OBJ
module _ : EVALPATH with type valu = O.t


type t = O.t
val install_printer : Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> (Format.formatter -> t -> unit) -> unit
val install_generic_printer : Path.t -> Path.t -> (int -> (int -> t -> Outcometree.out_value, t -> Outcometree.out_value) gen_printer) -> unit
val install_generic_printer' : Path.t -> Path.t -> (Format.formatter -> t -> unit, Format.formatter -> t -> unit) gen_printer -> unit

install_generic_printer' function_path constructor_path printer function_path is used to remove the printer.

val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit
val outval_of_untyped_exception : t -> Outcometree.out_value
val outval_of_value : int -> int -> (int -> t -> Types.type_expr -> Outcometree.out_value option) -> Env.t -> t -> Types.type_expr -> Outcometree.out_value