The interface identifier for the Cap 'n Proto Arguments
.The Cap 'n Proto Arguments is responsible for providing read access to the Cap'n Proto segments that make up the method arguments.
typedef void ARGS_RELEASED(void *onReleaseData)¶
A callback executed when the last reference to a dk_cls_capnp_args is released.
- Param onReleaseData:
The data given to dk_cls_capnp_args_new
DKSDK_FFI_C_EXPORT struct dk_cls_capnp_args dk_cls_capnp_args_empty()¶
Returns a COM object representing empty arguments.
The COM object is a singleton. Although it does not need to be released, the recommendation is to treat it like a real COM object.
DKSDK_FFI_C_EXPORT int dk_cls_capnp_args_new(struct dksdk_ffi *ffi, struct dk_cls_capnp_args **ppObject, ARGS_RELEASED *fpArgsReleased, void *onReleaseData)¶
Allocates dk_cls_capnp_args arguments for a method call.
- Parameters:
ffi -- [in] The FFI pointer from dksdk_ffi_host_create
ppObject -- [inout] The address of the pointer to an object initialized with zero bytes. On success the object will be populated. The object must be released when the caller is finished with it. On failure the de-referenced address *ppObject will be NULL.
fpArgsReleased -- [in] Optional callback that will be called when the last reference to the arguments is released.
onReleaseData -- [in] Optional, opaque data passed to fpArgsReleased.
- Returns:
DKSDK_FFI_OK on success
DKSDK_FFI_ERR_INVALID_STATE when there is no memory
const dksdk_ffi_uuid DK_IID_CAPN_ARGS¶
struct dk_cls_capnp_args_vtable¶
- #include <cls_capnp_args.h>
Virtual methods for the Cap 'n Proto Arguments class.
Public Members
dksdk_ffi_i_com_vtable com_vtable¶
The C++ style virtual table containing the Cap 'n Proto Arguments methods.
dksdk_ffi_i_com_vtable com_vtable¶
struct dk_cls_capnp_args¶
- #include <cls_capnp_args.h>
struct dk_cls_capnp_args
wraps the single Cap 'n Proto message representing the arguments given to a COM method call.When the last reference to
struct dk_cls_capnp_args
is released, the underlying Cap 'n Proto segments are freed.struct dk_cls_capnp_args
methods are dk_cls_capnp_args_vtable.Public Members
struct dksdk_ffi_i_com com¶
The always-valid DkSDK FFI COM superclass.
Use this superclass to access private fields of the DkSDK FFI COM superclass.
dk_cls_capnp_args_vtable *vtable_capnp_args¶
The always-valid virtual table for the Cap 'n Proto Arguments class.
Use this virtual table to access virtual methods.
- union dk_cls_capnp_args
The DkSDK FFI COM object superclass, with the virtual method table extended to conform to dk_cls_capnp_args_vtable.
struct capn *arguments¶
The Cap n' Proto message for the arguments.
struct dksdk_ffi_i_com com¶