Module Capnp.Array


Instructions: Use this module in your project

In the IDE (CLion, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, etc.) you use for your DkSDK project:

  1. Add the following to your project's dependencies/CMakeLists.txt:

        CONSTRAINT "= 3.5.0"
        FINDLIBS capnp capnp.unix)
  2. Add the Findlib::capnp library to any desired targets in src/*/CMakeLists.txt:

         # ... existing libraries, if any ...
  3. Click your IDE's Build button

Not using DkSDK?

FIRST, do one or all of the following:

  1. Run:

    opam install capnp.3.5.0
  2. Edit your dune-project and add:

      (name YourExistingPackage)
      ; ... existing dependenices ...
      (capnp (>= 3.5.0))))

    Then run:

    dune build *.opam # if this fails, run: dune build
  3. Edit your <package>.opam file and add:

    depends: [
      # ... existing dependencies ...
      "capnp" {>= "3.5.0"}

    Then run:

    opam install . --deps-only

FINALLY, add the capnp library to any desired (library)and/or (executable) targets in your **/dune files:

  (name YourLibrary)
  ; ... existing library options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...

  (name YourExecutable)
  ; ... existing executable options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...
type ``('cap, 'a, 'arr) t

The array type. The first type parameter represents the read and/or write capability, i.e. ro or rw. The second type parameter is the type of elements stored in the array. The third type parameter describes the underlying storage for the array.

val length : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> int

Return the length (number of elements) of the given array.

val get : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t ->``int-> 'a

get a n returns element number n of array a, indexed from 0.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    "index out of bounds" if n is outside the range 0 to length a - 1.

val set : ``(rw, 'a, 'arr)`` t ->``int-> 'a -> unit

set a n x places value x in element number n of array a, indexed from 0.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    "index out of bounds" if n is outside the range 0 to length a - 1.

val init : ``(rw, 'a, 'arr)`` t ->``int-> unit

init a n destroys the content of array a, replacing it with newly-allocated array storage of length n. The new array elements are initialized to the empty state (zero for primitives and default values for structs).

val mem : ``?equal:``('a -> 'a ->bool)``-> ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> 'a -> bool

mem ~equal a x tests whether element x is present in array a, using the provided equality function. If the equality function is not provided, polymorphic compare is used.

val is_empty : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> bool

is_empty a returns true if array a has length 0.

val iter : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a ->unit)``-> unit

iter a ~f applies f to each element of array a, in order.

val iteri : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t ->``f:``(``int-> 'a ->unit)``-> unit

iteri a ~f behaves as iter, but also passes the index of each element as an argument to f.

val fold : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``init:'acc -> ``f:``('acc -> 'a -> 'acc)`` -> 'acc

fold a ~init ~f returns f (... f (f (f init e1) e2) e3 ...) en, where e1..en are the elements of a.

val fold_right : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a -> 'acc -> 'acc)`` -> ``init:'acc -> 'acc

fold_right a ~f ~init returns f e1 (f e2 (... (f en init) ...)).

val foldi : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``init:'acc ->``f:``(``int-> 'acc -> 'a -> 'acc)`` -> 'acc

foldi a ~init f behaves as fold, but also passes the index of each element as an argument to f.

val foldi_right : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t ->``f:``(``int-> 'a -> 'acc -> 'acc)`` -> ``init:'acc -> 'acc

foldi_right a ~f ~init behaves as foldi, but also passes the index of each element as an argument to f.

val exists : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a ->bool)``-> bool

exists a ~f returns true if and only if there exists an element for which the provided function evaluates to true. This is a short-circuiting operation.

val forall : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a ->bool)``-> bool

forall a ~f returns true if and only if the provided function evalues to true for all elements. This is a short-circuiting operation.

val count : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a ->bool)``-> int

count a ~f returns the number of elements for which the provided function evaluates to true.

val find : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a ->bool)``-> 'a option

find a ~f returns as an option the first element for which f evaluates to true.

val find_map : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a -> 'boption``)``-> 'b option

find_map a ~f returns the first evaluation of f that returns Some, and returns None if there is no such element.

val to_list : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> 'a list

to_list a returns an OCaml list containing all the elements of a, in order.

val to_array : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> 'a array

to_array a returns an OCaml array containing all the elements of a, in order.

val set_list : ``(rw, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> 'alist``-> unit

set_list a lst resizes array a and sets its content of list lst.

val set_array : ``(rw, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> 'aarray``-> unit

set_array a arr resizes array a and sets its content of OCaml array arr

val map_array : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a -> 'b)`` -> 'b array

map_array a ~f returns | f e1; f e2; ... f en |, where e1..en are the elements of a.

val map_list : ``('cap, 'a, 'arr)`` t -> ``f:``('a -> 'b)`` -> 'b list

map_list a ~f returns f e1; f e2; ... f en, where e1..en are the elements of a. The elements are evaluated in reverse order.

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