Module Lwt_sequence


Instructions: Use this module in your project

In the IDE (CLion, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, etc.) you use for your DkSDK project:

  1. Add the following to your project's dependencies/CMakeLists.txt:

        CONSTRAINT "= 5.6.1"
        FINDLIBS lwt lwt.unix)
  2. Add the Findlib::lwt library to any desired targets in src/*/CMakeLists.txt:

         # ... existing libraries, if any ...
  3. Click your IDE's Build button

Not using DkSDK?

FIRST, do one or all of the following:

  1. Run:

    opam install lwt.5.6.1
  2. Edit your dune-project and add:

      (name YourExistingPackage)
      ; ... existing dependenices ...
      (lwt (>= 5.6.1))))

    Then run:

    dune build *.opam # if this fails, run: dune build
  3. Edit your <package>.opam file and add:

    depends: [
      # ... existing dependencies ...
      "lwt" {>= "5.6.1"}

    Then run:

    opam install . --deps-only

FINALLY, add the lwt library to any desired (library)and/or (executable) targets in your **/dune files:

  (name YourLibrary)
  ; ... existing library options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...

  (name YourExecutable)
  ; ... existing executable options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...

A sequence is an object holding a list of elements which support the following operations:

  • adding an element to the left or the right in time and space O(1)

  • taking an element from the left or the right in time and space O(1)

  • removing a previously added element from a sequence in time and space O(1)

  • removing an element while the sequence is being transversed.

  • deprecated

    This module should be an internal implementation detail of Lwt, and may be removed from the API at some point in the future. Use package lwt-dllist instead.

type ``'a t

Type of a sequence holding values of type 'a

type ``'a node

Type of a node holding one value of type 'a in a sequence

Operation on nodes

valget :'a node -> 'a

Returns the contents of a node

valset :'a node -> 'a -> unit

Change the contents of a node

valremove :'a node -> unit

Removes a node from the sequence it is part of. It does nothing if the node has already been removed.

Operations on sequence

valcreate : ``unit-> 'a t

create () creates a new empty sequence

valclear :'a t -> unit

Removes all nodes from the given sequence. The nodes are not actually mutated to note their removal. Only the sequence's pointers are updated.

valis_empty :'a t -> bool

Returns true iff the given sequence is empty

vallength :'a t -> int

Returns the number of elements in the given sequence. This is a O(n) operation where n is the number of elements in the sequence.

valadd_l :'a -> 'a t -> 'a node

add_l x s adds x to the left of the sequence s

valadd_r :'a -> 'a t -> 'a node

add_r x s adds x to the right of the sequence s

exception Empty

Exception raised by take_l and take_r and when the sequence is empty

valtake_l :'a t -> 'a

take_l x s remove and returns the leftmost element of s

  • raises Empty

    if the sequence is empty

valtake_r :'a t -> 'a

take_r x s remove and returns the rightmost element of s

  • raises Empty

    if the sequence is empty

valtake_opt_l :'a t -> 'a option

take_opt_l x s remove and returns Some x where x is the leftmost element of s or None if s is empty

valtake_opt_r :'a t -> 'a option

take_opt_r x s remove and returns Some x where x is the rightmost element of s or None if s is empty

valtransfer_l :'a t -> 'a t -> unit

transfer_l s1 s2 removes all elements of s1 and add them at the left of s2. This operation runs in constant time and space.

valtransfer_r :'a t -> 'a t -> unit

transfer_r s1 s2 removes all elements of s1 and add them at the right of s2. This operation runs in constant time and space.

Sequence iterators

Note: it is OK to remove a node while traversing a sequence

val iter_l : ``('a ->unit)``-> 'a t -> unit

iter_l f s applies f on all elements of s starting from the left

val iter_r : ``('a ->unit)``-> 'a t -> unit

iter_r f s applies f on all elements of s starting from the right

val iter_node_l : ``('a node ->unit)``-> 'a t -> unit

iter_node_l f s applies f on all nodes of s starting from the left

val iter_node_r : ``('a node ->unit)``-> 'a t -> unit

iter_node_r f s applies f on all nodes of s starting from the right

val fold_l : ``('a -> 'b -> 'b)`` -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b

fold_l f s is:

fold_l f s x = f en (... (f e2 (f e1 x)))

where e1, e2, ..., en are the elements of s

val fold_r : ``('a -> 'b -> 'b)`` -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b

fold_r f s is:

fold_r f s x = f e1 (f e2 (... (f en x)))

where e1, e2, ..., en are the elements of s

val find_node_opt_l : ``('a ->bool)``-> 'a t -> 'a node option

find_node_opt_l f s returns Some x, where x is the first node of s starting from the left that satisfies f or None if none exists.

val find_node_opt_r : ``('a ->bool)``-> 'a t -> 'a node option

find_node_opt_r f s returns Some x, where x is the first node of s starting from the right that satisfies f or None if none exists.

val find_node_l : ``('a ->bool)``-> 'a t -> 'a node

find_node_l f s returns the first node of s starting from the left that satisfies f or raises Not_found if none exists.

val find_node_r : ``('a ->bool)``-> 'a t -> 'a node

find_node_r f s returns the first node of s starting from the right that satisfies f or raises Not_found if none exists.