Module Lwt_seq


Instructions: Use this module in your project

In the IDE (CLion, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, etc.) you use for your DkSDK project:

  1. Add the following to your project's dependencies/CMakeLists.txt:

        CONSTRAINT "= 5.6.1"
        FINDLIBS lwt lwt.unix)
  2. Add the Findlib::lwt library to any desired targets in src/*/CMakeLists.txt:

         # ... existing libraries, if any ...
  3. Click your IDE's Build button

Not using DkSDK?

FIRST, do one or all of the following:

  1. Run:

    opam install lwt.5.6.1
  2. Edit your dune-project and add:

      (name YourExistingPackage)
      ; ... existing dependenices ...
      (lwt (>= 5.6.1))))

    Then run:

    dune build *.opam # if this fails, run: dune build
  3. Edit your <package>.opam file and add:

    depends: [
      # ... existing dependencies ...
      "lwt" {>= "5.6.1"}

    Then run:

    opam install . --deps-only

FINALLY, add the lwt library to any desired (library)and/or (executable) targets in your **/dune files:

  (name YourLibrary)
  ; ... existing library options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...

  (name YourExecutable)
  ; ... existing executable options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...
type``'a t`` = ``unit-> 'a node Lwt.t

The type of delayed lists containing elements of type 'a. Note that the concrete list node 'a node is delayed under a closure, not a lazy block, which means it might be recomputed every time we access it.

and``+'a node`` =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a*'a t

(* A fully-evaluated list node, either empty or containing an element and a delayed tail.


valempty :'a t

The empty sequence, containing no elements.

valreturn :'a -> 'a t

The singleton sequence containing only the given element.

valreturn_lwt :'a Lwt.t -> 'a t

The singleton sequence containing only the given promised element.

valcons :'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x xs is the sequence containing the element x followed by the sequence xs

valcons_lwt :'a Lwt.t -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x xs is the sequence containing the element promised by x followed by the sequence xs

valappend :'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

append xs ys is the sequence xs followed by the sequence ys

val map : ``('a -> 'b)`` -> 'a t -> 'b t

map f seq returns a new sequence whose elements are the elements of seq, transformed by f. This transformation is lazy, it only applies when the result is traversed.

val map_s : ``('a -> 'b Lwt.t)`` -> 'a t -> 'b t

map_s f seq is like map f seq but f is a function that returns a promise.

Note that there is no concurrency between the promises from the underlying sequence seq and the promises from applying the function f. In other words, the next promise-element of the underlying sequence (seq) is only created when the current promise-element of the returned sequence (as mapped by f) has resolved. This scheduling is true for all the _s functions of this module.

val filter : ``('a ->bool)``-> 'a t -> 'a t

Remove from the sequence the elements that do not satisfy the given predicate. This transformation is lazy, it only applies when the result is traversed.

val filter_s : ``('a ->``boolLwt.t)`` -> 'a t -> 'a t

filter_s is like filter but the predicate returns a promise.

See map_s for additional details about scheduling.

val filter_map : ``('a -> 'boption``)``-> 'a t -> 'b t

Apply the function to every element; if f x = None then x is dropped; if f x = Some y then y is returned. This transformation is lazy, it only applies when the result is traversed.

val filter_map_s : ``('a -> 'boption``Lwt.t)`` -> 'a t -> 'b t

filter_map_s is like filter but the predicate returns a promise.

See map_s for additional details about scheduling.

val flat_map : ``('a -> 'b t)`` -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map each element to a subsequence, then return each element of this sub-sequence in turn. This transformation is lazy, it only applies when the result is traversed.

val fold_left : ``('a -> 'b -> 'a)`` -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a Lwt.t

Traverse the sequence from left to right, combining each element with the accumulator using the given function. The traversal happens immediately and will not terminate (i.e., the promise will not resolve) on infinite sequences.

val fold_left_s : ``('a -> 'b -> 'a Lwt.t)`` -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a Lwt.t

fold_left_s is like fold_left but the function returns a promise.

See map_s for additional details about scheduling.

val iter : ``('a ->unit)``-> 'a t ->``unitLwt.t

Iterate on the sequence, calling the (imperative) function on every element.

The sequence's next node is evaluated only once the function has finished processing the current element. More formally: the promise for the n+1th node of the sequence is created only once the promise returned by f on the nth element of the sequence has resolved.

The traversal happens immediately and will not terminate (i.e., the promise will not resolve) on infinite sequences.

val iter_s : ``('a ->``unitLwt.t)`` -> 'a t ->``unitLwt.t

iter_s is like iter but the function returns a promise.

See map_s for additional details about scheduling.

val iter_p : ``('a ->``unitLwt.t)`` -> 'a t ->``unitLwt.t

Iterate on the sequence, calling the (imperative) function on every element.

The sequence's next node is evaluated as soon as the previous node is resolved.

The traversal happens immediately and will not terminate (i.e., the promise will not resolve) on infinite sequences.

valiter_n : ``?max_concurrency:int-> ``('a ->``unitLwt.t)`` -> 'a t ->``unitLwt.t

iter_n ~max_concurrency f s

Iterates on the sequence s, calling the (imperative) function f on every element.

The sum total of unresolved promises returned by f never exceeds max_concurrency. Node suspensions are evaluated only when there is capacity for f-promises to be evaluated. Consequently, there might be significantly fewer than max_concurrency promises being evaluated concurrently; especially if the node suspensions take longer to evaluate than the f-promises.

The traversal happens immediately and will not terminate (i.e., the promise will not resolve) on infinite sequences.

  • parameter max_concurrency

    defaults to 1.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if max_concurrency < 1.

val unfold : ``('b -> ``('a*'b)`` option``)`` -> 'b -> 'a t

Build a sequence from a step function and an initial value. unfold f u returns empty if the promise f u resolves to None, or fun () -> Lwt.return (Cons (x, unfold f y)) if the promise f u resolves to Some (x, y).

val unfold_lwt : ``('b -> ``('a*'b)`` option`` Lwt.t)`` -> 'b -> 'a t

unfold_lwt is like unfold but the step function returns a promise.

valto_list :'a t -> 'alist``Lwt.t

Convert a sequence to a list, preserving order. The traversal happens immediately and will not terminate (i.e., the promise will not resolve) on infinite sequences.

valof_list :'alist``-> 'a t

Convert a list to a sequence, preserving order.

valof_seq :'a Stdlib.Seq.t -> 'a t

Convert from 'a Stdlib.Seq.t to 'a Lwt_seq.t. This transformation is lazy, it only applies when the result is traversed.

valof_seq_lwt :'a Lwt.t Stdlib.Seq.t -> 'a t

Convert from 'a Lwt.t Stdlib.Seq.t to 'a Lwt_seq.t. This transformation is lazy, it only applies when the result is traversed.