Module type Set.S


Instructions: Use this module in your project

In the IDE (CLion, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, etc.) you use for your DkSDK project:

  1. Add the following to your project's dependencies/CMakeLists.txt:

        CONSTRAINT "= 4.14.0"
        FINDLIBS str unix runtime_events threads dynlink)
  2. Add the Findlib::ocaml library to any desired targets in src/*/CMakeLists.txt:

         # ... existing libraries, if any ...
  3. Click your IDE's Build button

Not using DkSDK?

FIRST, do one or all of the following:

  1. Run:

    opam install ocaml.4.14.0
  2. Edit your dune-project and add:

      (name YourExistingPackage)
      ; ... existing dependenices ...
      (ocaml (>= 4.14.0))))

    Then run:

    dune build *.opam # if this fails, run: dune build
  3. Edit your <package>.opam file and add:

    depends: [
      # ... existing dependencies ...
      "ocaml" {>= "4.14.0"}

    Then run:

    opam install . --deps-only

FINALLY, add the library to any desired (library)and/or (executable) targets in your **/dune files:

  (name YourLibrary)
  ; ... existing library options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...

  (name YourExecutable)
  ; ... existing executable options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...
type elt

The type of the set elements.

type t

The type of sets.

valempty :t

The empty set.

valis_empty :t -> bool

Test whether a set is empty or not.

valmem :elt -> t -> bool

mem x s tests whether x belongs to the set s.

valadd :elt -> t -> t

add x s returns a set containing all elements of s, plus x. If x was already in s, s is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to s).

  • before 4.03

    Physical equality was not ensured.

valsingleton :elt -> t

singleton x returns the one-element set containing only x.

valremove :elt -> t -> t

remove x s returns a set containing all elements of s, except x. If x was not in s, s is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to s).

  • before 4.03

    Physical equality was not ensured.

valunion :t -> t -> t

Set union.

valinter :t -> t -> t

Set intersection.

valdisjoint :t -> t -> bool

Test if two sets are disjoint.

  • since 4.08.0
valdiff :t -> t -> t

Set difference: diff s1 s2 contains the elements of s1 that are not in s2.

valcompare :t -> t -> int

Total ordering between sets. Can be used as the ordering function for doing sets of sets.

valequal :t -> t -> bool

equal s1 s2 tests whether the sets s1 and s2 are equal, that is, contain equal elements.

valsubset :t -> t -> bool

subset s1 s2 tests whether the set s1 is a subset of the set s2.

val iter : ``f:``(elt ->unit)``-> t -> unit

iter ~f s applies f in turn to all elements of s. The elements of s are presented to f in increasing order with respect to the ordering over the type of the elements.

val map : ``f:``(elt -> elt)`` -> t -> t

map ~f s is the set whose elements are f a0,f a1... f aN, where a0,a1...aN are the elements of s.

The elements are passed to f in increasing order with respect to the ordering over the type of the elements.

If no element of s is changed by f, s is returned unchanged. (If each output of f is physically equal to its input, the returned set is physically equal to s.)

  • since 4.04.0
val fold : ``f:``(elt -> 'a -> 'a)`` -> t -> ``init:'a -> 'a

fold ~f s init computes (f xN ... (f x2 (f x1 init))...), where x1 ... xN are the elements of s, in increasing order.

val for_all : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> bool

for_all ~f s checks if all elements of the set satisfy the predicate f.

val exists : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> bool

exists ~f s checks if at least one element of the set satisfies the predicate f.

val filter : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> t

filter ~f s returns the set of all elements in s that satisfy predicate f. If f satisfies every element in s, s is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to s).

  • before 4.03

    Physical equality was not ensured.

val filter_map : ``f:``(elt -> eltoption``)``-> t -> t

filter_map ~f s returns the set of all v such that f x = Some v for some element x of s.

For example,

filter_map (fun n -> if n mod 2 = 0 then Some (n / 2) else None) s

is the set of halves of the even elements of s.

If no element of s is changed or dropped by f (if f x = Some x for each element x), then s is returned unchanged: the result of the function is then physically equal to s.

  • since 4.11.0
val partition : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> t*t

partition ~f s returns a pair of sets (s1, s2), where s1 is the set of all the elements of s that satisfy the predicate f, and s2 is the set of all the elements of s that do not satisfy f.

valcardinal :t -> int

Return the number of elements of a set.

valelements :t -> elt list

Return the list of all elements of the given set. The returned list is sorted in increasing order with respect to the ordering, where Ord is the argument given to Stdlib.Set.Make.

valmin_elt :t -> elt

Return the smallest element of the given set (with respect to the ordering), or raise Not_found if the set is empty.

valmin_elt_opt :t -> elt option

Return the smallest element of the given set (with respect to the ordering), or None if the set is empty.

  • since 4.05
valmax_elt :t -> elt

Same as min_elt, but returns the largest element of the given set.

valmax_elt_opt :t -> elt option

Same as min_elt_opt, but returns the largest element of the given set.

  • since 4.05
valchoose :t -> elt

Return one element of the given set, or raise Not_found if the set is empty. Which element is chosen is unspecified, but equal elements will be chosen for equal sets.

valchoose_opt :t -> elt option

Return one element of the given set, or None if the set is empty. Which element is chosen is unspecified, but equal elements will be chosen for equal sets.

  • since 4.05
valsplit :elt -> t -> t* bool *t

split x s returns a triple (l, present, r), where l is the set of elements of s that are strictly less than x; r is the set of elements of s that are strictly greater than x; present is false if s contains no element equal to x, or true if s contains an element equal to x.

valfind :elt -> t -> elt

find x s returns the element of s equal to x (according to, or raise Not_found if no such element exists.

  • since 4.01.0
valfind_opt :elt -> t -> elt option

find_opt x s returns the element of s equal to x (according to, or None if no such element exists.

  • since 4.05
val find_first : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> elt

find_first ~f s, where f is a monotonically increasing function, returns the lowest element e of s such that f e, or raises Not_found if no such element exists.

For example, find_first (fun e -> e x >= 0) s will return the first element e of s where e x >= 0 (intuitively: e >= x), or raise Not_found if x is greater than any element of s.

  • since 4.05
val find_first_opt : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> elt option

find_first_opt ~f s, where f is a monotonically increasing function, returns an option containing the lowest element e of s such that f e, or None if no such element exists.

  • since 4.05
val find_last : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> elt

find_last ~f s, where f is a monotonically decreasing function, returns the highest element e of s such that f e, or raises Not_found if no such element exists.

  • since 4.05
val find_last_opt : ``f:``(elt ->bool)``-> t -> elt option

find_last_opt ~f s, where f is a monotonically decreasing function, returns an option containing the highest element e of s such that f e, or None if no such element exists.

  • since 4.05
valof_list :eltlist``-> t

of_list l creates a set from a list of elements. This is usually more efficient than folding add over the list, except perhaps for lists with many duplicated elements.

  • since 4.02.0


valto_seq_from :elt -> t -> elt Seq.t

to_seq_from x s iterates on a subset of the elements of s in ascending order, from x or above.

  • since 4.07
valto_seq :t -> elt Seq.t

Iterate on the whole set, in ascending order

  • since 4.07
valto_rev_seq :t -> elt Seq.t

Iterate on the whole set, in descending order

  • since 4.12
valadd_seq :elt Seq.t -> t -> t

Add the given elements to the set, in order.

  • since 4.07
valof_seq :elt Seq.t -> t

Build a set from the given bindings

  • since 4.07

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                1. Module RWM.Object
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          1. Module Cmdliner.Cmd
            1. Module Cmd.Env
            1. Module Cmd.Exit
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          1. Module Cmdliner.Term
        1. Module Cmdliner_arg
        1. Module Cmdliner_base
        1. Module Cmdliner_cline
        1. Module Cmdliner_cmd
        1. Module Cmdliner_docgen
        1. Module Cmdliner_eval
        1. Module Cmdliner_info
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Arg
            1. Module Arg.Set
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Cmd
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Env
            1. Module Env.Set
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Eval
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Exit
        1. Module Cmdliner_manpage
        1. Module Cmdliner_msg
        1. Module Cmdliner_term
        1. Module Cmdliner_term_deprecated
        1. Module Cmdliner_trie
      1. Package fmt
        1. Module Fmt
          1. Module Fmt.Dump
        1. Module Fmt_cli
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        1. Module Lwt
          1. Module Lwt.Infix
            1. Module Infix.Let_syntax
          1. Module Lwt.Let_syntax
            1. Module Let_syntax.Let_syntax
          1. Module Lwt.Syntax
        1. Module Lwt_bytes
        1. Module Lwt_condition
        1. Module Lwt_config
        1. Module Lwt_engine
          1. Module Lwt_engine.Ev_backend
          1. Module Lwt_engine.Versioned
        1. Module Lwt_features
        1. Module Lwt_fmt
        1. Module Lwt_gc
        1. Module Lwt_io
          1. Module Lwt_io.BE
          1. Module Lwt_io.LE
            1. Module type Lwt_io.NumberIO
          1. Module Lwt_io.Versioned
        1. Module Lwt_list
        1. Module Lwt_main
          1. Module Lwt_main.Enter_iter_hooks
          1. Module Lwt_main.Exit_hooks
          1. Module Lwt_main.Leave_iter_hooks
            1. Module type Lwt_main.Hooks
        1. Module Lwt_mutex
        1. Module Lwt_mvar
        1. Module Lwt_pool
        1. Module Lwt_pqueue
          1. Module Lwt_pqueue.Make
            1. Module type Lwt_pqueue.OrderedType
            1. Module type Lwt_pqueue.S
        1. Module Lwt_preemptive
        1. Module Lwt_process
        1. Module Lwt_result
          1. Module Lwt_result.Infix
          1. Module Lwt_result.Let_syntax
            1. Module Let_syntax.Let_syntax
          1. Module Lwt_result.Syntax
        1. Module Lwt_seq
        1. Module Lwt_sequence
        1. Module Lwt_stream
        1. Module Lwt_switch
        1. Module Lwt_sys
        1. Module Lwt_throttle
          1. Module Lwt_throttle.Make
            1. Module type Lwt_throttle.S
        1. Module Lwt_timeout
        1. Module Lwt_unix
          1. Module Lwt_unix.IO_vectors
          1. Module Lwt_unix.LargeFile
          1. Module Lwt_unix.Versioned
      1. Package mtime
        1. Module Mtime
          1. Module Mtime.Span
        1. Module Mtime_clock
      1. Package ocaml
        1. Module Bigarray
        1. Module Condition
        1. Module Dynlink
        1. Module Event
        1. Module Mutex
        1. Module Profiling
        1. Module Semaphore
          1. Module Semaphore.Binary
          1. Module Semaphore.Counting
        1. Module Stdlib
          1. Module Stdlib.Arg
          1. Module Stdlib.Array
          1. Module Stdlib.ArrayLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Atomic
          1. Module Stdlib.Bigarray
            1. Module Bigarray.Array0
            1. Module Bigarray.Array1
            1. Module Bigarray.Array2
            1. Module Bigarray.Array3
            1. Module Bigarray.Genarray
          1. Module Stdlib.Bool
          1. Module Stdlib.Buffer
          1. Module Stdlib.Bytes
          1. Module Stdlib.BytesLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Callback
          1. Module Stdlib.Char
          1. Module Stdlib.Complex
          1. Module Stdlib.Digest
          1. Module Stdlib.Either
          1. Module Stdlib.Ephemeron
            1. Module Ephemeron.GenHashTable
              1. Module GenHashTable.MakeSeeded
            1. Module Ephemeron.K1
              1. Module K1.Bucket
              1. Module K1.Make
              1. Module K1.MakeSeeded
            1. Module Ephemeron.K2
              1. Module K2.Bucket
              1. Module K2.Make
              1. Module K2.MakeSeeded
            1. Module Ephemeron.Kn
              1. Module Kn.Bucket
              1. Module Kn.Make
              1. Module Kn.MakeSeeded
                1. Module type Ephemeron.S
                1. Module type Ephemeron.SeededS
          1. Module Stdlib.Filename
          1. Module Stdlib.Float
            1. Module Float.Array
            1. Module Float.ArrayLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Format
          1. Module Stdlib.Fun
          1. Module Stdlib.Gc
            1. Module Gc.Memprof
          1. Module Stdlib.Genlex
          1. Module Stdlib.Hashtbl
            1. Module Hashtbl.Make
            1. Module Hashtbl.MakeSeeded
              1. Module type Hashtbl.HashedType
              1. Module type Hashtbl.S
              1. Module type Hashtbl.SeededHashedType
              1. Module type Hashtbl.SeededS
          1. Module Stdlib.In_channel
          1. Module Stdlib.Int
          1. Module Stdlib.Int32
          1. Module Stdlib.Int64
          1. Module Stdlib.LargeFile
          1. Module Stdlib.Lazy
          1. Module Stdlib.Lexing
          1. Module Stdlib.List
          1. Module Stdlib.ListLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Map
            1. Module Map.Make
              1. Module type Map.OrderedType
              1. Module type Map.S
          1. Module Stdlib.Marshal
          1. Module Stdlib.MoreLabels
            1. Module MoreLabels.Hashtbl
              1. Module Hashtbl.Make
              1. Module Hashtbl.MakeSeeded
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            1. Module MoreLabels.Set
              1. Module Set.Make
                1. ...
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                1. ...
          1. Module Stdlib.Nativeint
          1. Module Stdlib.Obj
            1. Module Obj.Closure
            1. Module Obj.Ephemeron
            1. Module Obj.Extension_constructor
          1. Module Stdlib.Oo
          1. Module Stdlib.Option
          1. Module Stdlib.Out_channel
          1. Module Stdlib.Parsing
          1. Module Stdlib.Pervasives
          1. Module Stdlib.Printexc
            1. Module Printexc.Slot
          1. Module Stdlib.Printf
          1. Module Stdlib.Queue
          1. Module Stdlib.Random
            1. Module Random.State
          1. Module Stdlib.Result
          1. Module Stdlib.Scanf
            1. Module Scanf.Scanning
          1. Module Stdlib.Seq
          1. Module Stdlib.Set
            1. Module Set.Make
              1. Module type Set.OrderedType
              1. Module type Set.S
          1. Module Stdlib.Stack
          1. Module Stdlib.StdLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Stream
          1. Module Stdlib.String
          1. Module Stdlib.StringLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Sys
            1. Module Sys.Immediate64
              1. Module Immediate64.Make
          1. Module Stdlib.Uchar
          1. Module Stdlib.Unit
          1. Module Stdlib.Weak
            1. Module Weak.Make
              1. Module type Weak.S
        1. Module Str
        1. Module Thread
        1. Module ThreadUnix
        1. Module Topdirs
        1. Module Unix
          1. Module Unix.LargeFile
        1. Module UnixLabels
          1. Module UnixLabels.LargeFile
          1. Module EndianBigstring
            1. Module EndianBigstring.BigEndian
            1. Module EndianBigstring.BigEndian_unsafe
            1. Module EndianBigstring.LittleEndian
            1. Module EndianBigstring.LittleEndian_unsafe
              1. Module type EndianBigstring.EndianBigstringSig
            1. Module EndianBigstring.NativeEndian
            1. Module EndianBigstring.NativeEndian_unsafe
          1. Module EndianBytes
            1. Module EndianBytes.BigEndian
            1. Module EndianBytes.BigEndian_unsafe
            1. Module EndianBytes.LittleEndian
            1. Module EndianBytes.LittleEndian_unsafe
              1. Module type EndianBytes.EndianBytesSig
            1. Module EndianBytes.NativeEndian
            1. Module EndianBytes.NativeEndian_unsafe
          1. Module EndianString
            1. Module EndianString.BigEndian
            1. Module EndianString.BigEndian_unsafe
            1. Module EndianString.LittleEndian
            1. Module EndianString.LittleEndian_unsafe
              1. Module type EndianString.EndianStringSig
            1. Module EndianString.NativeEndian
            1. Module EndianString.NativeEndian_unsafe
      1. Package
      1. Package result
        1. Module Result
      1. Package stdint
        1. Module Stdint
          1. Module Stdint.Int128
          1. Module Stdint.Int16
          1. Module Stdint.Int24
          1. Module Stdint.Int32
          1. Module Stdint.Int40
          1. Module Stdint.Int48
          1. Module Stdint.Int56
          1. Module Stdint.Int64
          1. Module Stdint.Int8
            1. Module type Stdint.Int
          1. Module Stdint.Uint128
          1. Module Stdint.Uint16
          1. Module Stdint.Uint24
          1. Module Stdint.Uint32
          1. Module Stdint.Uint40
          1. Module Stdint.Uint48
          1. Module Stdint.Uint56
          1. Module Stdint.Uint64
          1. Module Stdint.Uint8