Module Weak.Make


Instructions: Use this module in your project

In the IDE (CLion, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, etc.) you use for your DkSDK project:

  1. Add the following to your project's dependencies/CMakeLists.txt:

        CONSTRAINT "= 4.14.0"
        FINDLIBS str unix runtime_events threads dynlink)
  2. Add the Findlib::ocaml library to any desired targets in src/*/CMakeLists.txt:

         # ... existing libraries, if any ...
  3. Click your IDE's Build button

Not using DkSDK?

FIRST, do one or all of the following:

  1. Run:

    opam install ocaml.4.14.0
  2. Edit your dune-project and add:

      (name YourExistingPackage)
      ; ... existing dependenices ...
      (ocaml (>= 4.14.0))))

    Then run:

    dune build *.opam # if this fails, run: dune build
  3. Edit your <package>.opam file and add:

    depends: [
      # ... existing dependencies ...
      "ocaml" {>= "4.14.0"}

    Then run:

    opam install . --deps-only

FINALLY, add the library to any desired (library)and/or (executable) targets in your **/dune files:

  (name YourLibrary)
  ; ... existing library options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...

  (name YourExecutable)
  ; ... existing executable options ...
    ; ... existing libraries ...



typedata`` =H.t

The type of the elements stored in the table.

type t

The type of tables that contain elements of type data. Note that weak hash sets cannot be marshaled using Stdlib.output_value or the functions of the Marshal module.

valcreate : ``int-> t

create n creates a new empty weak hash set, of initial size n. The table will grow as needed.

valclear :t -> unit

Remove all elements from the table.

valmerge :t -> data -> data

merge t x returns an instance of x found in t if any, or else adds x to t and return x.

valadd :t -> data -> unit

add t x adds x to t. If there is already an instance of x in t, it is unspecified which one will be returned by subsequent calls to find and merge.

valremove :t -> data -> unit

remove t x removes from t one instance of x. Does nothing if there is no instance of x in t.

valfind :t -> data -> data

find t x returns an instance of x found in t.

  • raises Not_found

    if there is no such element.

valfind_opt :t -> data -> data option

find_opt t x returns an instance of x found in t or None if there is no such element.

  • since 4.05
valfind_all :t -> data -> data list

find_all t x returns a list of all the instances of x found in t.

valmem :t -> data -> bool

mem t x returns true if there is at least one instance of x in t, false otherwise.

val iter : ``(data ->unit)``-> t -> unit

iter f t calls f on each element of t, in some unspecified order. It is not specified what happens if f tries to change t itself.

val fold : ``(data -> 'a -> 'a)`` -> t -> 'a -> 'a

fold f t init computes (f d1 (... (f dN init))) where d1 ... dN are the elements of t in some unspecified order. It is not specified what happens if f tries to change t itself.

valcount :t -> int

Count the number of elements in the table. count t gives the same result as fold (fun _ n -> n+1) t 0 but does not delay the deallocation of the dead elements.

valstats :t -> int * int * int * int * int * int

Return statistics on the table. The numbers are, in order: table length, number of entries, sum of bucket lengths, smallest bucket length, median bucket length, biggest bucket length.

More from the DkSDK Book

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          1. Module Capnp.BytesStorage
          1. Module Capnp.Codecs
          1. Module Capnp.Message
          1. Module Capnp.MessageSig
            1. Module type MessageSig.MESSAGE
            1. Module type MessageSig.S
            1. Module type MessageSig.SEGMENT
            1. Module type MessageSig.SLICE
          1. Module Capnp.RPC
              1. Module type RPC.S
          1. Module Capnp.Runtime
        1. Module Capnp_unix
          1. Module Capnp_unix.IO
      1. Package cmdliner
        1. Module Cmdliner
          1. Module Cmdliner.Arg
          1. Module Cmdliner.Cmd
          1. Module Cmdliner.Manpage
          1. Module Cmdliner.Term
        1. Module Cmdliner_arg
        1. Module Cmdliner_base
        1. Module Cmdliner_cline
        1. Module Cmdliner_cmd
        1. Module Cmdliner_docgen
        1. Module Cmdliner_eval
        1. Module Cmdliner_info
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Arg
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Cmd
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Env
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Eval
          1. Module Cmdliner_info.Exit
        1. Module Cmdliner_manpage
        1. Module Cmdliner_msg
        1. Module Cmdliner_term
        1. Module Cmdliner_term_deprecated
        1. Module Cmdliner_trie
      1. Package fmt
        1. Module Fmt
          1. Module Fmt.Dump
        1. Module Fmt_cli
        1. Module Fmt_tty
      1. Package logs
        1. Module Logs
        1. Module Logs_cli
        1. Module Logs_fmt
        1. Module Logs_lwt
        1. Module Logs_threaded
      1. Package lwt
        1. Module Lwt
          1. Module Lwt.Infix
          1. Module Lwt.Let_syntax
          1. Module Lwt.Syntax
        1. Module Lwt_bytes
        1. Module Lwt_condition
        1. Module Lwt_config
        1. Module Lwt_engine
          1. Module Lwt_engine.Ev_backend
          1. Module Lwt_engine.Versioned
        1. Module Lwt_features
        1. Module Lwt_fmt
        1. Module Lwt_gc
        1. Module Lwt_io
          1. Module Lwt_io.BE
          1. Module Lwt_io.LE
          1. Module Lwt_io.Versioned
        1. Module Lwt_list
        1. Module Lwt_main
          1. Module Lwt_main.Enter_iter_hooks
          1. Module Lwt_main.Exit_hooks
          1. Module Lwt_main.Leave_iter_hooks
        1. Module Lwt_mutex
        1. Module Lwt_mvar
        1. Module Lwt_pool
        1. Module Lwt_pqueue
          1. Module Lwt_pqueue.Make
        1. Module Lwt_preemptive
        1. Module Lwt_process
        1. Module Lwt_result
          1. Module Lwt_result.Infix
          1. Module Lwt_result.Let_syntax
          1. Module Lwt_result.Syntax
        1. Module Lwt_seq
        1. Module Lwt_sequence
        1. Module Lwt_stream
        1. Module Lwt_switch
        1. Module Lwt_sys
        1. Module Lwt_throttle
          1. Module Lwt_throttle.Make
        1. Module Lwt_timeout
        1. Module Lwt_unix
          1. Module Lwt_unix.IO_vectors
          1. Module Lwt_unix.LargeFile
          1. Module Lwt_unix.Versioned
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          1. Module Mtime.Span
        1. Module Mtime_clock
      1. Package ocaml
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        1. Module Condition
        1. Module Dynlink
        1. Module Event
        1. Module Mutex
        1. Module Profiling
        1. Module Semaphore
          1. Module Semaphore.Binary
          1. Module Semaphore.Counting
        1. Module Stdlib
          1. Module Stdlib.Arg
          1. Module Stdlib.Array
          1. Module Stdlib.ArrayLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Atomic
          1. Module Stdlib.Bigarray
          1. Module Stdlib.Bool
          1. Module Stdlib.Buffer
          1. Module Stdlib.Bytes
          1. Module Stdlib.BytesLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Callback
          1. Module Stdlib.Char
          1. Module Stdlib.Complex
          1. Module Stdlib.Digest
          1. Module Stdlib.Either
          1. Module Stdlib.Ephemeron
          1. Module Stdlib.Filename
          1. Module Stdlib.Float
          1. Module Stdlib.Format
          1. Module Stdlib.Fun
          1. Module Stdlib.Gc
          1. Module Stdlib.Genlex
          1. Module Stdlib.Hashtbl
              1. Module type Hashtbl.HashedType
              1. Module type Hashtbl.S
              1. Module type Hashtbl.SeededHashedType
              1. Module type Hashtbl.SeededS
          1. Module Stdlib.In_channel
          1. Module Stdlib.Int
          1. Module Stdlib.Int32
          1. Module Stdlib.Int64
          1. Module Stdlib.LargeFile
          1. Module Stdlib.Lazy
          1. Module Stdlib.Lexing
          1. Module Stdlib.List
          1. Module Stdlib.ListLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Map
              1. Module type Map.OrderedType
              1. Module type Map.S
          1. Module Stdlib.Marshal
          1. Module Stdlib.MoreLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Nativeint
          1. Module Stdlib.Obj
          1. Module Stdlib.Oo
          1. Module Stdlib.Option
          1. Module Stdlib.Out_channel
          1. Module Stdlib.Parsing
          1. Module Stdlib.Pervasives
          1. Module Stdlib.Printexc
          1. Module Stdlib.Printf
          1. Module Stdlib.Queue
          1. Module Stdlib.Random
          1. Module Stdlib.Result
          1. Module Stdlib.Scanf
          1. Module Stdlib.Seq
          1. Module Stdlib.Set
              1. Module type Set.OrderedType
              1. Module type Set.S
          1. Module Stdlib.Stack
          1. Module Stdlib.StdLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Stream
          1. Module Stdlib.String
          1. Module Stdlib.StringLabels
          1. Module Stdlib.Sys
          1. Module Stdlib.Uchar
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            1. ...
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              1. Module type Weak.S
        1. Module Str
        1. Module Thread
        1. Module ThreadUnix
        1. Module Topdirs
        1. Module Unix
          1. Module Unix.LargeFile
        1. Module UnixLabels
          1. Module UnixLabels.LargeFile
          1. Module EndianBigstring
              1. Module type EndianBigstring.EndianBigstringSig
          1. Module EndianBytes
              1. Module type EndianBytes.EndianBytesSig
          1. Module EndianString
              1. Module type EndianString.EndianStringSig
      1. Package
      1. Package result
        1. Module Result
      1. Package stdint
        1. Module Stdint
          1. Module Stdint.Int128
          1. Module Stdint.Int16
          1. Module Stdint.Int24
          1. Module Stdint.Int32
          1. Module Stdint.Int40
          1. Module Stdint.Int48
          1. Module Stdint.Int56
          1. Module Stdint.Int64
          1. Module Stdint.Int8
          1. Module Stdint.Uint128
          1. Module Stdint.Uint16
          1. Module Stdint.Uint24
          1. Module Stdint.Uint32
          1. Module Stdint.Uint40
          1. Module Stdint.Uint48
          1. Module Stdint.Uint56
          1. Module Stdint.Uint64
          1. Module Stdint.Uint8